Step 1: Creating or editing a doctor profile
1. Navigate to Search >Doctors.
2. On the screen that populates, click "New Doctor" or "Edit" as needed.
A) Input Doctor's details (note: add the HPI-I, then press Search to validate the entry).
B) Input Provider Number, Business, Letterhead and Bank Account details.
Step 2: Creating or editing a staff profile
1. Navigate to Search > Staff.
2. Input the following details and Click Save to Complete.
A) Input staff member's details
B) Select associated business details and enter in provider details where applicable.
Troubleshooting Tips:
- What do I do if I've accidently created a Doctor profile under Staff profiles instead?
It is possible to transition the Staff profile to a Doctor profile and vice versa. This is done by:
a. In either the doctor or staff forms, select the profile in question, then press "Move to Staff" or "Move to Doctor" as required.
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